👉 Bitcoin Core v0.20.1 released

  • Changes regarding misbehaving peers
  • Notification changes
  • PSBT changes
0.20.1 change log

### Mining
- - 19019 Fix GBT: Restore "!segwit" and "csv" to "rules" key (luke-jr)

### P2P protocol and network code
- - #19219 Replace automatic bans with discouragement filter (sipa)

### Wallet
- - #19300 Handle concurrent wallet loading (promag)
- - #18982 Minimal fix to restore conflicted transaction notifications (ryanofsky)

### RPC and other APIs
- - #19524 Increment input value sum only once per UTXO in decodepsbt (fanquake)
- - #19517 psbt: Increment input value sum only once per UTXO in decodepsbt (achow101)
- - #19215 psbt: Include and allow both non_witness_utxo and witness_utxo for segwit inputs (achow101)

### GUI
- - #19097 Add missing QPainterPath include (achow101)
- - #19059 update Qt base translations for macOS release (fanquake)

### Build system
- - #19152 improve build OS configure output (skmcontrib)
- - #19536 qt, build: Fix QFileDialog for static builds (hebasto)

### Tests and QA
- - #19444 Remove cached directories and associated script blocks from appveyor config (sipsorcery)
- - #18640 appveyor: Remove clcache (MarcoFalke)

### Miscellaneous
- - #19194 util: Don't reference errno when pthread fails (miztake)
- - #18700 Fix locking on WSL using flock instead of fcntl (meshcollider)