👉 Bitcoin Core 0.21.0 released

  • Descriptor wallets
  • Compact block filters via P2P network
  • Better rebroadcast logic
  • Tor v3 support
  • Taproot added but not activated
0.21.0 change log

### Consensus
- - #18267 BIP-325: Signet (kallewoof)
- - #20016 uint256: 1 is a constant (ajtowns)
- - #20006 Fix misleading error message: Clean stack rule (sanket1729)
- - #19953 Implement BIP 340-342 validation (Schnorr/taproot/tapscript) (sipa)
- - #20169 Taproot follow-up: Make ComputeEntrySchnorr and ComputeEntryECDSA const to clarify contract (practicalswift)

### Policy
- - #18766 Disable fee estimation in blocksonly mode (darosior)
- - #19630 Cleanup fee estimation code (darosior)
- - #20165 Only relay Taproot spends if next block has it active (sipa)

### Mining
- - #17946 Fix GBT: Restore "!segwit" and "csv" to "rules" key (luke-jr)

### Privacy
- - #16432 Add privacy to the Overview page (hebasto)
- - #18861 Do not answer GETDATA for to-be-announced tx (sipa)
- - #18038 Mempool tracks locally submitted transactions to improve wallet privacy (amitiuttarwar)
- - #19109 Only allow getdata of recently announced invs (sipa)

### Block and transaction handling
- - #17737 Add ChainstateManager, remove BlockManager global (jamesob)
- - #18960 indexes: Add compact block filter headers cache (jnewbery)
- - #13204 Faster sigcache nonce (JeremyRubin)
- - #19088 Use std::chrono throughout some validation functions (fanquake)
- - #19142 Make VerifyDB level 4 interruptible (MarcoFalke)
- - #17994 Flush undo files after last block write (kallewoof)
- - #18990 log: Properly log txs rejected from mempool (MarcoFalke)
- - #18984 Remove unnecessary input blockfile SetPos (dgenr8)
- - #19526 log: Avoid treating remote misbehvior as local system error (MarcoFalke)
- - #18044 Use wtxid for transaction relay (sdaftuar)
- - #18637 coins: allow cache resize after init (jamesob)
- - #19854 Avoid locking CTxMemPool::cs recursively in simple cases (hebasto)
- - #19478 Remove CTxMempool::mapLinks data structure member (JeremyRubin)
- - #19927 Reduce direct g_chainman usage (dongcarl)
- - #19898 log: print unexpected version warning in validation log category (n-thumann)
- - #20036 signet: Add assumed values for default signet (MarcoFalke)
- - #20048 chainparams: do not log signet startup messages for other chains (jonatack)
- - #19339 re-delegate absurd fee checking from mempool to clients (glozow)
- - #20035 signet: Fix uninitialized read in validation (MarcoFalke)
- - #20157 Bugfix: chainparams: Add missing (always enabled) Taproot deployment for Signet (luke-jr)
- - #20263 Update assumed chain params (MarcoFalke)
- - #20372 Avoid signed integer overflow when loading a mempool.dat file with a malformed time field (practicalswift)
- - #18621 script: Disallow silent bool -> cscript conversion (MarcoFalke)
- - #18612, #18732 script: Remove undocumented and unused operator+ (MarcoFalke)
- - #19317 Add a left-justified width field to log2_work component for a uniform debug.log output (jamesgmorgan)

### P2P protocol and network code
- - #18544 Limit BIP37 filter lifespan (active between filterload..filterclear) (theStack)
- - #18806 Remove is{Empty,Full} flags from CBloomFilter, clarify CVE fix (theStack)
- - #18512 Improve asmap checks and add sanity check (sipa)
- - #18877 Serve cfcheckpt requests (jnewbery)
- - #18895 Unbroadcast followups: rpcs, nLastResend, mempool sanity check (gzhao408)
- - #19010 net processing: Add support for getcfheaders (jnewbery)
- - #16939 Delay querying DNS seeds (ajtowns)
- - #18807 Unbroadcast follow-ups (amitiuttarwar)
- - #19044 Add support for getcfilters (jnewbery)
- - #19084 improve code documentation for dns seed behaviour (ajtowns)
- - #19260 disconnect peers that send filterclear + update existing filter msg disconnect logic (gzhao408)
- - #19284 Add seed.bitcoin.wiz.biz to DNS seeds (wiz)
- - #19322 split PushInventory() (jnewbery)
- - #19204 Reduce inv traffic during IBD (MarcoFalke)
- - #19470 banlist: log post-swept banlist size at startup (fanquake)
- - #19191 Extract download permission from noban (MarcoFalke)
- - #14033 Drop CADDR_TIME_VERSION checks now that MIN_PEER_PROTO_VERSION is greater (Empact)
- - #19464 net, rpc: remove -banscore option, deprecate banscore in getpeerinfo (jonatack)
- - #19514 [net/net processing] check banman pointer before dereferencing (jnewbery)
- - #19512 banscore updates to gui, tests, release notes (jonatack)
- - #19360 improve encapsulation of CNetAddr (vasild)
- - #19217 disambiguate block-relay-only variable names from blocksonly variables (glowang)
- - #19473 Add -networkactive option (hebasto)
- - #19472 [net processing] Reduce cs_main scope in MaybeDiscourageAndDisconnect() (jnewbery)
- - #19583 clean up Misbehaving() (jnewbery)
- - #19534 save the network type explicitly in CNetAddr (vasild)
- - #19569 Enable fetching of orphan parents from wtxid peers (sipa)
- - #18991 Cache responses to GETADDR to prevent topology leaks (naumenkogs)
- - #19596 Deduplicate parent txid loop of requested transactions and missing parents of orphan transactions (sdaftuar)
- - #19316 Cleanup logic around connection types (amitiuttarwar)
- - #19070 Signal support for compact block filters with NODE_COMPACT_FILTERS (jnewbery)
- - #19705 Shrink CAddress from 48 to 40 bytes on x64 (vasild)
- - #19704 Move ProcessMessage() to PeerLogicValidation (jnewbery)
- - #19628 Change CNetAddr::ip to have flexible size (vasild)
- - #19797 Remove old check for 3-byte shifted IP addresses from pre-0.2.9 nodes (#19797)
- - #19607 Add Peer struct for per-peer data in net processing (jnewbery)
- - #19857 improve nLastBlockTime and nLastTXTime documentation (jonatack)
- - #19724 Cleanup connection types- followups (amitiuttarwar)
- - #19670 Protect localhost and block-relay-only peers from eviction (sdaftuar)
- - #19728 Increase the ip address relay branching factor for unreachable networks (sipa)
- - #19879 Miscellaneous wtxid followups (amitiuttarwar)
- - #19697 Improvements on ADDR caching (naumenkogs)
- - #17785 Unify Send and Receive protocol versions (hebasto)
- - #19845 CNetAddr: add support to (un)serialize as ADDRv2 (vasild)
- - #19107 Move all header verification into the network layer, extend logging (troygiorshev)
- - #20003 Exit with error message if -proxy is specified without arguments (instead of continuing without proxy server) (practicalswift)
- - #19991 Use alternative port for incoming Tor connections (hebasto)
- - #19723 Ignore unknown messages before VERACK (sdaftuar)
- - #19954 Complete the BIP155 implementation and upgrade to TORv3 (vasild)
- - #20119 BIP155 follow-ups (sipa)
- - #19988 Overhaul transaction request logic (sipa)
- - #17428 Try to preserve outbound block-relay-only connections during restart (hebasto)
- - #19911 Guard vRecvGetData with cs_vRecv and orphan_work_set with g_cs_orphans (narula)
- - #19753 Don't add AlreadyHave transactions to recentRejects (troygiorshev)
- - #20187 Test-before-evict bugfix and improvements for block-relay-only peers (sdaftuar)
- - #20237 Hardcoded seeds update for 0.21 (laanwj)
- - #20212 Fix output of peer address in version message (vasild)
- - #20284 Ensure old versions don't parse peers.dat (vasild)
- - #20405 Avoid calculating onion address checksum when version is not 3 (lontivero)
- - #20564 Don't send 'sendaddrv2' to pre-70016 software, and send before 'verack' (sipa)
- - #20660 Move signet onion seed from v2 to v3 (Sjors)

### Wallet
- - #18262 Exit selection when best_waste is 0 (achow101)
- - #17824 Prefer full destination groups in coin selection (fjahr)
- - #17219 Allow transaction without change if keypool is empty (Sjors)
- - #15761 Replace -upgradewallet startup option with upgradewallet RPC (achow101)
- - #18671 Add BlockUntilSyncedToCurrentChain to dumpwallet (MarcoFalke)
- - #16528 Native Descriptor Wallets using DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan (achow101)
- - #18777 Recommend absolute path for dumpwallet (MarcoFalke)
- - #16426 Reverse cs_main, cs_wallet lock order and reduce cs_main locking (ariard)
- - #18699 Avoid translating RPC errors (MarcoFalke)
- - #18782 Make sure no DescriptorScriptPubKeyMan or WalletDescriptor members are left uninitialized after construction (practicalswift)
- - #9381 Remove CWalletTx merging logic from AddToWallet (ryanofsky)
- - #16946 Include a checksum of encrypted private keys (achow101)
- - #17681 Keep inactive seeds after sethdseed and derive keys from them as needed (achow101)
- - #18918 Move salvagewallet into wallettool (achow101)
- - #14988 Fix for confirmed column in csv export for payment to self transactions (benthecarman)
- - #18275 Error if an explicit fee rate was given but the needed fee rate differed (kallewoof)
- - #19054 Skip hdKeypath of 'm' when determining inactive hd seeds (achow101)
- - #17938 Disallow automatic conversion between disparate hash types (Empact)
- - #19237 Check size after unserializing a pubkey (elichai)
- - #11413 sendtoaddress/sendmany: Add explicit feerate option (kallewoof)
- - #18850 Fix ZapSelectTx to sync wallet spends (bvbfan)
- - #18923 Never schedule MaybeCompactWalletDB when -flushwallet is off (MarcoFalke)
- - #19441 walletdb: Don't reinitialize desc cache with multiple cache entries (achow101)
- - #18907 walletdb: Don't remove database transaction logs and instead error (achow101)
- - #19334 Introduce WalletDatabase abstract class (achow101)
- - #19335 Cleanup and separate BerkeleyDatabase and BerkeleyBatch (achow101)
- - #19102 Introduce and use DummyDatabase instead of dummy BerkeleyDatabase (achow101)
- - #19568 Wallet should not override signing errors (fjahr)
- - #17204 Do not turn OP_1NEGATE in scriptSig into 0x0181 in signing code (sipa) (meshcollider)
- - #19457 Cleanup wallettool salvage and walletdb extraneous declarations (achow101)
- - #15937 Add loadwallet and createwallet load_on_startup options (ryanofsky)
- - #16841 Replace GetScriptForWitness with GetScriptForDestination (meshcollider)
- - #14582 always do avoid partial spends if fees are within a specified range (kallewoof)
- - #19743 -maxapsfee follow-up (kallewoof)
- - #19289 GetWalletTx and IsMine require cs_wallet lock (promag)
- - #19671 Remove -zapwallettxes (achow101)
- - #19805 Avoid deserializing unused records when salvaging (achow101)
- - #19754 wallet, gui: Reload previously loaded wallets on startup (achow101)
- - #19738 Avoid multiple BerkeleyBatch in DelAddressBook (promag)
- - #19919 bugfix: make LoadWallet assigns status always (AkioNak)
- - #16378 The ultimate send RPC (Sjors)
- - #15454 Remove the automatic creation and loading of the default wallet (achow101)
- - #19501 send* RPCs in the wallet returns the "fee reason" (stackman27)
- - #20130 Remove db mode string (S3RK)
- - #19077 Add sqlite as an alternative wallet database and use it for new descriptor wallets (achow101)
- - #20125 Expose database format in getwalletinfo (promag)
- - #20198 Show name, format and if uses descriptors in bitcoin-wallet tool (jonasschnelli)
- - #20216 Fix buffer over-read in SQLite file magic check (theStack)
- - #20186 Make -wallet setting not create wallets (ryanofsky)
- - #20230 Fix bug when just created encrypted wallet cannot get address (hebasto)
- - #20282 Change upgradewallet return type to be an object (jnewbery)
- - #20220 Explicit fee rate follow-ups/fixes for 0.21 (jonatack)
- - #20199 Ignore (but warn) on duplicate -wallet parameters (jonasschnelli)
- - #20324 Set DatabaseStatus::SUCCESS in MakeSQLiteDatabase (MarcoFalke)
- - #20266 Fix change detection of imported internal descriptors (achow101)
- - #20153 Do not import a descriptor with hardened derivations into a watch-only wallet (S3RK)
- - #20344 Fix scanning progress calculation for single block range (theStack)
- - #19502 Bugfix: Wallet: Soft-fail exceptions within ListWalletDir file checks (luke-jr)
- - #20378 Fix potential division by 0 in WalletLogPrintf (jonasschnelli)
- - #18836 Upgradewallet fixes and additional tests (achow101)
- - #20139 Do not return warnings from UpgradeWallet() (stackman27)
- - #20305 Introduce fee_rate sat/vB param/option (jonatack)
- - #20426 Allow zero-fee fundrawtransaction/walletcreatefundedpsbt and other fixes (jonatack)
- - #20573 wallet, bugfix: allow send with string fee_rate amounts (jonatack)

### RPC and other APIs
- - #18574 cli: Call getbalances.ismine.trusted instead of getwalletinfo.balance (jonatack)
- - #17693 Add generateblock to mine a custom set of transactions (andrewtoth)
- - #18495 Remove deprecated migration code (vasild)
- - #18493 Remove deprecated "size" from mempool txs (vasild)
- - #18467 Improve documentation and return value of settxfee (fjahr)
- - #18607 Fix named arguments in documentation (MarcoFalke)
- - #17831 doc: Fix and extend getblockstats examples (asoltys)
- - #18785 Prevent valgrind false positive in rest_blockhash_by_height (ryanofsky)
- - #18999 log: Remove "No rpcpassword set" from logs (MarcoFalke)
- - #19006 Avoid crash when g_thread_http was never started (MarcoFalke)
- - #18594 cli: Display multiwallet balances in -getinfo (jonatack)
- - #19056 Make gettxoutsetinfo/GetUTXOStats interruptible (MarcoFalke)
- - #19112 Remove special case for unknown service flags (MarcoFalke)
- - #18826 Expose txinwitness for coinbase in JSON form from RPC (rvagg)
- - #19282 Rephrase generatetoaddress help, and use PACKAGE_NAME (luke-jr)
- - #16377 don't automatically append inputs in walletcreatefundedpsbt (Sjors)
- - #19200 Remove deprecated getaddressinfo fields (jonatack)
- - #19133 rpc, cli, test: add bitcoin-cli -generate command (jonatack)
- - #19469 Deprecate banscore field in getpeerinfo (jonatack)
- - #16525 Dump transaction version as an unsigned integer in RPC/TxToUniv (TheBlueMatt)
- - #19555 Deduplicate WriteHDKeypath() used in decodepsbt (theStack)
- - #19589 Avoid useless mempool query in gettxoutproof (MarcoFalke)
- - #19585 RPCResult Type of MempoolEntryDescription should be OBJ (stylesuxx)
- - #19634 Document getwalletinfo's unlocked_until field as optional (justinmoon)
- - #19658 Allow RPC to fetch all addrman records and add records to addrman (jnewbery)
- - #19696 Fix addnode remove command error (fjahr)
- - #18654 Separate bumpfee's psbt creation function into psbtbumpfee (achow101)
- - #19655 Catch listsinceblock target_confirmations exceeding block count (adaminsky)
- - #19644 Document returned error fields as optional if applicable (theStack)
- - #19455 rpc generate: print useful help and error message (jonatack)
- - #19550 Add listindices RPC (fjahr)
- - #19169 Validate provided keys for query_options parameter in listunspent (PastaPastaPasta)
- - #18244 fundrawtransaction and walletcreatefundedpsbt also lock manually selected coins (Sjors)
- - #14687 zmq: Enable TCP keepalive (mruddy)
- - #19405 Add network in/out connections to getnetworkinfo and -getinfo (jonatack)
- - #19878 rawtransaction: Fix argument in combinerawtransaction help message (pinheadmz)
- - #19940 Return fee and vsize from testmempoolaccept (gzhao408)
- - #13686 zmq: Small cleanups in the ZMQ code (domob1812)
- - #19386, #19528, #19717, #19849, #19994 Assert that RPCArg names are equal to CRPCCommand ones (MarcoFalke)
- - #19725 Add connection type to getpeerinfo, improve logs (amitiuttarwar)
- - #19969 Send RPC bug fix and touch-ups (Sjors)
- - #18309 zmq: Add support to listen on multiple interfaces (n-thumann)
- - #20055 Set HTTP Content-Type in bitcoin-cli (laanwj)
- - #19956 Improve invalid vout value rpc error message (n1rna)
- - #20101 Change no wallet loaded message to be clearer (achow101)
- - #19998 Add via_tor to getpeerinfo output (hebasto)
- - #19770 getpeerinfo: Deprecate "whitelisted" field (replaced by "permissions") (luke-jr)
- - #20120 net, rpc, test, bugfix: update GetNetworkName, GetNetworksInfo, regression tests (jonatack)
- - #20595 Improve heuristic hex transaction decoding (sipa)
- - #20731 Add missing description of vout in getrawtransaction help text (benthecarman)
- - #19328 Add gettxoutsetinfo hash_type option (fjahr)
- - #19731 Expose nLastBlockTime/nLastTXTime as last block/last_transaction in getpeerinfo (jonatack)
- - #19572 zmq: Create "sequence" notifier, enabling client-side mempool tracking (instagibbs)
- - #20002 Expose peer network in getpeerinfo; simplify/improve -netinfo (jonatack)

### GUI
- - #17905 Avoid redundant tx status updates (ryanofsky)
- - #18646 Use PACKAGE_NAME in exception message (fanquake)
- - #17509 Save and load PSBT (Sjors)
- - #18769 Remove bug fix for Qt < 5.5 (10xcryptodev)
- - #15768 Add close window shortcut (IPGlider)
- - #16224 Bilingual GUI error messages (hebasto)
- - #18922 Do not translate InitWarning messages in debug.log (hebasto)
- - #18152 Use NotificationStatus enum for signals to GUI (hebasto)
- - #18587 Avoid wallet tryGetBalances calls in WalletModel::pollBalanceChanged (ryanofsky)
- - #17597 Fix height of QR-less ReceiveRequestDialog (hebasto)
- - #17918 Hide non PKHash-Addresses in signing address book (emilengler)
- - #17956 Disable unavailable context menu items in transactions tab (kristapsk)
- - #17968 Ensure that ModalOverlay is resized properly (hebasto)
- - #17993 Balance/TxStatus polling update based on last block hash (furszy)
- - #18424 Use parent-child relation to manage lifetime of OptionsModel object (hebasto)
- - #18452 Fix shutdown when waitfor* cmds are called from RPC console (hebasto)
- - #15202 Add Close All Wallets action (promag)
- - #19132 lock cs_main, m_cached_tip_mutex in that order (vasild)
- - #18898 Display warnings as rich text (hebasto)
- - #19231 add missing translation.h include to fix build (fanquake)
- - #18027 "PSBT Operations" dialog (gwillen)
- - #19256 Change combiner for signals to optional_last_value (fanquake)
- - #18896 Reset toolbar after all wallets are closed (hebasto)
- - #18993 increase console command max length (10xcryptodev)
- - #19323 Fix regression in txoutset in GUI console (hebasto)
- - #19210 Get rid of cursor in out-of-focus labels (hebasto)
- - #19011 Reduce cs_main lock accumulation during GUI startup (jonasschnelli)
- - #19844 Remove usage of boost::bind (fanquake)
- - #20479 Fix QPainter non-determinism on macOS (0.21 backport) (laanwj)
- - gui#6 Do not truncate node flag strings in debugwindow peers details tab (Saibato)
- - gui#8 Fix regression in TransactionTableModel (hebasto)
- - gui#17 doc: Remove outdated comment in TransactionTablePriv (MarcoFalke)
- - gui#20 Wrap tooltips in the intro window (hebasto)
- - gui#30 Disable the main window toolbar when the modal overlay is shown (hebasto)
- - gui#34 Show permissions instead of whitelisted (laanwj)
- - gui#35 Parse params directly instead of through node (ryanofsky)
- - gui#39 Add visual accenting for the 'Create new receiving address' button (hebasto)
- - gui#40 Clarify block height label (hebasto)
- - gui#43 bugfix: Call setWalletActionsEnabled(true) only for the first wallet (hebasto)
- - gui#97 Relax GUI freezes during IBD (jonasschnelli)
- - gui#71 Fix visual quality of text in QR image (hebasto)
- - gui#96 Slight improve create wallet dialog (Sjors)
- - gui#102 Fix SplashScreen crash when run with -disablewallet (hebasto)
- - gui#116 Fix unreasonable default size of the main window without loaded wallets (hebasto)
- - gui#120 Fix multiwallet transaction notifications (promag)

### Build system
- - #18504 Drop bitcoin-tx and bitcoin-wallet dependencies on libevent (ryanofsky)
- - #18586 Bump gitian descriptors to 0.21 (laanwj)
- - #17595 guix: Enable building for x86_64-w64-mingw32 target (dongcarl)
- - #17929 add linker optimisation flags to gitian & guix (Linux) (fanquake)
- - #18556 Drop make dist in gitian builds (hebasto)
- - #18088 ensure we aren't using GNU extensions (fanquake)
- - #18741 guix: Make source tarball using git-archive (dongcarl)
- - #18843 warn on potentially uninitialized reads (vasild)
- - #17874 make linker checks more robust (fanquake)
- - #18535 remove -Qunused-arguments workaround for clang + ccache (fanquake)
- - #18743 Add --sysroot option to mac os native compile flags (ryanofsky)
- - #18216 test, build: Enable -Werror=sign-compare (Empact)
- - #18928 don't pass -w when building for Windows (fanquake)
- - #16710 Enable -Wsuggest-override if available (hebasto)
- - #18738 Suppress -Wdeprecated-copy warnings (hebasto)
- - #18862 Remove fdelt_chk back-compat code and sanity check (fanquake)
- - #18887 enable -Werror=gnu (vasild)
- - #18956 enforce minimum required Windows version (7) (fanquake)
- - #18958 guix: Make V=1 more powerful for debugging (dongcarl)
- - #18677 Multiprocess build support (ryanofsky)
- - #19094 Only allow ASCII identifiers (laanwj)
- - #18820 Propagate well-known vars into depends (dongcarl)
- - #19173 turn on --enable-c++17 by --enable-fuzz (vasild)
- - #18297 Use pkg-config in BITCOIN_QT_CONFIGURE for all hosts including Windows (hebasto)
- - #19301 don't warn when doxygen isn't found (fanquake)
- - #19240 macOS toolchain simplification and bump (dongcarl)
- - #19356 Fix search for brew-installed BDB 4 on OS X (gwillen)
- - #19394 Remove unused RES_IMAGES (Bushstar)
- - #19403 improve __builtin_clz* detection (fanquake)
- - #19375 target Windows 7 when building libevent and fix ipv6 usage (fanquake)
- - #19331 Do not include server symbols in wallet (MarcoFalke)
- - #19257 remove BIP70 configure option (fanquake)
- - #18288 Add MemorySanitizer (MSan) in Travis to detect use of uninitialized memory (practicalswift)
- - #18307 Require pkg-config for all of the hosts (hebasto)
- - #19445 Update msvc build to use ISO standard C++17 (sipsorcery)
- - #18882 fix -Wformat-security check when compiling with GCC (fanquake)
- - #17919 Allow building with system clang (dongcarl)
- - #19553 pass -fcommon when building genisoimage (fanquake)
- - #19565 call AC_PATH_TOOL for dsymutil in macOS cross-compile (fanquake)
- - #19530 build LTO support into Apple's ld64 (theuni)
- - #19525 add -Wl,-z,separate-code to hardening flags (fanquake)
- - #19667 set minimum required Boost to 1.58.0 (fanquake)
- - #19672 make clean removes .gcda and .gcno files from fuzz directory (Crypt-iQ)
- - #19622 Drop ancient hack in gitian-linux descriptor (hebasto)
- - #19688 Add support for llvm-cov (hebasto)
- - #19718 Add missed gcov files to 'make clean' (hebasto)
- - #19719 Add Werror=range-loop-analysis (MarcoFalke)
- - #19015 Enable some commonly enabled compiler diagnostics (practicalswift)
- - #19689 build, qt: Add Qt version checking (hebasto)
- - #17396 modest Android improvements (icota)
- - #18405 Drop all of the ZeroMQ patches (hebasto)
- - #15704 Move Win32 defines to configure.ac to ensure they are globally defined (luke-jr)
- - #19761 improve sed robustness by not using sed (fanquake)
- - #19758 Drop deprecated and unused GUARDED_VAR and PT_GUARDED_VAR annotations (hebasto)
- - #18921 add stack-clash and control-flow protection options to hardening flags (fanquake)
- - #19803 Bugfix: Define and use HAVE_FDATASYNC correctly outside LevelDB (luke-jr)
- - #19685 CMake invocation cleanup (dongcarl)
- - #19861 add /usr/local/ to LCOV_FILTER_PATTERN for macOS builds (Crypt-iQ)
- - #19916 allow user to specify DIR_FUZZ_SEED_CORPUS for cov_fuzz (Crypt-iQ)
- - #19944 Update secp256k1 subtree (including BIP340 support) (sipa)
- - #19558 Split pthread flags out of ldflags and dont use when building libconsensus (fanquake)
- - #19959 patch qt libpng to fix powerpc build (fanquake)
- - #19868 Fix target name (hebasto)
- - #19960 The vcpkg tool has introduced a proper way to use manifests (sipsorcery)
- - #20065 fuzz: Configure check for main function (MarcoFalke)
- - #18750 Optionally skip external warnings (vasild)
- - #20147 Update libsecp256k1 (endomorphism, test improvements) (sipa)
- - #20156 Make sqlite support optional (compile-time) (luke-jr)
- - #20318 Ensure source tarball has leading directory name (MarcoFalke)
- - #20447 Patch qt_intersect_spans to avoid non-deterministic behavior in LLVM 8 (achow101)
- - #20505 Avoid secp256k1.h include from system (dergoegge)
- - #20527 Do not ignore Homebrew's SQLite on macOS (hebasto)
- - #20478 Don't set BDB flags when configuring without (jonasschnelli)
- - #20563 Check that Homebrew's berkeley-db4 package is actually installed (hebasto)
- - #19493 Fix clang build on Mac (bvbfan)

### Tests and QA
- - #18593 Complete impl. of msg_merkleblock and wait_for_merkleblock (theStack)
- - #18609 Remove REJECT message code (hebasto)
- - #18584 Check that the version message does not leak the local address (MarcoFalke)
- - #18597 Extend wallet_dump test to cover comments (MarcoFalke)
- - #18596 Try once more when RPC connection fails on Windows (MarcoFalke)
- - #18451 shift coverage from getunconfirmedbalance to getbalances (jonatack)
- - #18631 appveyor: Disable functional tests for now (MarcoFalke)
- - #18628 Add various low-level p2p tests (MarcoFalke)
- - #18615 Avoid accessing free'd memory in validation_chainstatemanager_tests (MarcoFalke)
- - #18571 fuzz: Disable debug log file (MarcoFalke)
- - #18653 add coverage for bitcoin-cli -rpcwait (jonatack)
- - #18660 Verify findCommonAncestor always initializes outputs (ryanofsky)
- - #17669 Have coins simulation test also use CCoinsViewDB (jamesob)
- - #18662 Replace gArgs with local argsman in bench (MarcoFalke)
- - #18641 Create cached blocks not in the future (MarcoFalke)
- - #18682 fuzz: http_request workaround for libevent < 2.1.1 (theStack)
- - #18692 Bump timeout in wallet_import_rescan (MarcoFalke)
- - #18695 Replace boost::mutex with std::mutex (hebasto)
- - #18633 Properly raise FailedToStartError when rpc shutdown before warmup finished (MarcoFalke)
- - #18675 Don't initialize PrecomputedTransactionData in txvalidationcache tests (jnewbery)
- - #18691 Add wait_for_cookie_credentials() to framework for rpcwait tests (jonatack)
- - #18672 Add further BIP37 size limit checks to p2p_filter.py (theStack)
- - #18721 Fix linter issue (hebasto)
- - #18384 More specific feature_segwit test error messages and fixing incorrect comments (gzhao408)
- - #18575 bench: Remove requirement that all benches use same testing setup (MarcoFalke)
- - #18690 Check object hashes in wait_for_getdata (robot-visions)
- - #18712 display command line options passed to send_cli() in debug log (jonatack)
- - #18745 Check submitblock return values (MarcoFalke)
- - #18756 Use wait_for_getdata() in p2p_compactblocks.py (theStack)
- - #18724 Add coverage for -rpcwallet cli option (jonatack)
- - #18754 bench: Add caddrman benchmarks (vasild)
- - #18585 Use zero-argument super() shortcut (Python 3.0+) (theStack)
- - #18688 fuzz: Run in parallel (MarcoFalke)
- - #18770 Remove raw-tx byte juggling in mempool_reorg (MarcoFalke)
- - #18805 Add missing sync_all to wallet_importdescriptors.py (achow101)
- - #18759 bench: Start nodes with -nodebuglogfile (MarcoFalke)
- - #18774 Added test for upgradewallet RPC (brakmic)
- - #18485 Add mempool_updatefromblock.py (hebasto)
- - #18727 Add CreateWalletFromFile test (ryanofsky)
- - #18726 Check misbehavior more independently in p2p_filter.py (robot-visions)
- - #18825 Fix message for ECC_InitSanityCheck test (fanquake)
- - #18576 Use unittest for test_framework unit testing (gzhao408)
- - #18828 Strip down previous releases boilerplate (MarcoFalke)
- - #18617 Add factor option to adjust test timeouts (brakmic)
- - #18855 feature_backwards_compatibility.py test downgrade after upgrade (achow101)
- - #18864 Add v0.16.3 backwards compatibility test, bump v0.19.0.1 to v0.19.1 (Sjors)
- - #18917 fuzz: Fix vector size problem in system fuzzer (brakmic)
- - #18901 fuzz: use std::optional for sep_pos_opt variable (brakmic)
- - #18888 Remove RPCOverloadWrapper boilerplate (MarcoFalke)
- - #18952 Avoid os-dependent path (fametrano)
- - #18938 Fill fuzzing coverage gaps for functions in consensus/validation.h, primitives/block.h and util/translation.h (practicalswift)
- - #18986 Add capability to disable RPC timeout in functional tests (rajarshimaitra)
- - #18530 Add test for -blocksonly and -whitelistforcerelay param interaction (glowang)
- - #19014 Replace TEST_PREVIOUS_RELEASES env var with test_framework option (MarcoFalke)
- - #19052 Don't limit fuzzing inputs to 1 MB for afl-fuzz (now: ∞ ∀ fuzzers) (practicalswift)
- - #19060 Remove global wait_until from p2p_getdata (MarcoFalke)
- - #18926 Pass ArgsManager into getarg_tests (glowang)
- - #19110 Explain that a bug should be filed when the tests fail (MarcoFalke)
- - #18965 Implement base58_decode (10xcryptodev)
- - #16564 Always define the raii_event_tests test suite (candrews)
- - #19122 Add missing sync_blocks to wallet_hd (MarcoFalke)
- - #18875 fuzz: Stop nodes in process_message* fuzzers (MarcoFalke)
- - #18974 Check that invalid witness destinations can not be imported (MarcoFalke)
- - #18210 Type hints in Python tests (kiminuo)
- - #19159 Make valgrind.supp work on aarch64 (MarcoFalke)
- - #19082 Moved the CScriptNum asserts into the unit test in script.py (gillichu)
- - #19172 Do not swallow flake8 exit code (hebasto)
- - #19188 Avoid overwriting the NodeContext member of the testing setup [-Wshadow-field] (MarcoFalke)
- - #18890 disconnect_nodes should warn if nodes were already disconnected (robot-visions)
- - #19227 change blacklist to blocklist (TrentZ)
- - #19230 Move base58 to own module to break circular dependency (sipa)
- - #19083 msg_mempool, fRelay, and other bloomfilter tests (gzhao408)
- - #16756 Connection eviction logic tests (mzumsande)
- - #19177 Fix and clean p2p_invalid_messages functional tests (troygiorshev)
- - #19264 Don't import asyncio to test magic bytes (jnewbery)
- - #19178 Make mininode_lock non-reentrant (jnewbery)
- - #19153 Mempool compatibility test (S3RK)
- - #18434 Add a test-security target and run it in CI (fanquake)
- - #19252 Wait for disconnect in disconnect_p2ps + bloomfilter test followups (gzhao408)
- - #19298 Add missing sync_blocks (MarcoFalke)
- - #19304 Check that message sends successfully when header is split across two buffers (troygiorshev)
- - #19208 move sync_blocks and sync_mempool functions to test_framework.py (ycshao)
- - #19198 Check that peers with forcerelay permission are not asked to feefilter (MarcoFalke)
- - #19351 add two edge case tests for CSubNet (vasild)
- - #19272 net, test: invalid p2p messages and test framework improvements (jonatack)
- - #19348 Bump linter versions (duncandean)
- - #19366 Provide main(…) function in fuzzer. Allow building uninstrumented harnesses with --enable-fuzz (practicalswift)
- - #19412 move TEST_RUNNER_EXTRA into native tsan setup (fanquake)
- - #19368 Improve functional tests compatibility with BSD/macOS (S3RK)
- - #19028 Set -logthreadnames in unit tests (MarcoFalke)
- - #18649 Add std::locale::global to list of locale dependent functions (practicalswift)
- - #19140 Avoid fuzzer-specific nullptr dereference in libevent when handling PROXY requests (practicalswift)
- - #19214 Auto-detect SHA256 implementation in benchmarks (sipa)
- - #19353 Fix mistakenly swapped "previous" and "current" lock orders (hebasto)
- - #19533 Remove unnecessary cs_mains in denialofservice_tests (jnewbery)
- - #19423 add functional test for txrelay during and after IBD (gzhao408)
- - #16878 Fix non-deterministic coverage of test DoS_mapOrphans (davereikher)
- - #19548 fuzz: add missing overrides to signature_checker (jonatack)
- - #19562 Fix fuzzer compilation on macOS (freenancial)
- - #19370 Static asserts for consistency of fee defaults (domob1812)
- - #19599 clean message_count and last_message (troygiorshev)
- - #19597 test decodepsbt fee calculation (count input value only once per UTXO) (theStack)
- - #18011 Replace current benchmarking framework with nanobench (martinus)
- - #19489 Fail wait_until early if connection is lost (MarcoFalke)
- - #19340 Preserve the LockData initial state if "potential deadlock detected" exception thrown (hebasto)
- - #19632 Catch decimal.InvalidOperation from TestNodeCLI#send_cli (Empact)
- - #19098 Remove duplicate NodeContext hacks (ryanofsky)
- - #19649 Restore test case for p2p transaction blinding (instagibbs)
- - #19657 Wait until is_connected in add_p2p_connection (MarcoFalke)
- - #19631 Wait for 'cmpctblock' in p2p_compactblocks when it is expected (Empact)
- - #19674 use throwaway _ variable for unused loop counters (theStack)
- - #19709 Fix 'make cov' with clang (hebasto)
- - #19564 p2p_feefilter improvements (logging, refactoring, speedup) (theStack)
- - #19756 add sync_all to fix race condition in wallet groups test (kallewoof)
- - #19727 Removing unused classes from p2p_leak.py (dhruv)
- - #19722 Add test for getblockheader verboseness (torhte)
- - #19659 Add a seed corpus generation option to the fuzzing test_runner (darosior)
- - #19775 Activate segwit in TestChain100Setup (MarcoFalke)
- - #19760 Remove confusing mininode terminology (jnewbery)
- - #19752 Update wait_until usage in tests not to use the one from utils (slmtpz)
- - #19839 Set appveyor VM version to previous Visual Studio 2019 release (sipsorcery)
- - #19830 Add tsan supp for leveldb::DBImpl::DeleteObsoleteFiles (MarcoFalke)
- - #19710 bench: Prevent thread oversubscription and decreases the variance of result values (hebasto)
- - #19842 Update the vcpkg checkout commit ID in appveyor config (sipsorcery)
- - #19507 Expand functional zmq transaction tests (instagibbs)
- - #19816 Rename wait until helper to wait_until_helper (MarcoFalke)
- - #19859 Fixes failing functional test by changing version (n-thumann)
- - #19887 Fix flaky wallet_basic test (fjahr)
- - #19800 Mockwallet (MarcoFalke)
- - #19922 Run rpc_txoutproof.py even with wallet disabled (MarcoFalke)
- - #19936 batch rpc with params (instagibbs)
- - #19971 create default wallet in extended tests (Sjors)
- - #19781 add parameterized constructor for msg_sendcmpct() (theStack)
- - #19963 Clarify blocksonly whitelistforcerelay test (t-bast)
- - #20022 Use explicit p2p objects where available (guggero)
- - #20028 Check that invalid peer traffic is accounted for (MarcoFalke)
- - #20004 Add signet witness commitment section parse tests (MarcoFalke)
- - #20034 Get rid of default wallet hacks (ryanofsky)
- - #20069 Mention commit id in scripted diff error (laanwj)
- - #19947 Cover change_type option of "walletcreatefundedpsbt" RPC (guggero)
- - #20126 p2p_leak_tx.py improvements (use MiniWallet, add p2p_lock acquires) (theStack)
- - #20129 Don't export in6addr_loopback (vasild)
- - #20131 Remove unused nVersion=1 in p2p tests (MarcoFalke)
- - #20161 Minor Taproot follow-ups (sipa)
- - #19401 Use GBT to get block versions correct (luke-jr)
- - #20159 mining_getblocktemplate_longpoll.py improvements (use MiniWallet, add logging) (theStack)
- - #20039 Convert amounts from float to decimal (prayank23)
- - #20112 Speed up wallet_resendwallettransactions with mockscheduler RPC (MarcoFalke)
- - #20247 fuzz: Check for addrv1 compatibility before using addrv1 serializer. Fuzz addrv2 serialization (practicalswift)
- - #20167 Add test for -blockversion (MarcoFalke)
- - #19877 Clarify rpc_net & p2p_disconnect_ban functional tests (amitiuttarwar)
- - #20258 Remove getnettotals/getpeerinfo consistency test (jnewbery)
- - #20242 fuzz: Properly initialize PrecomputedTransactionData (MarcoFalke)
- - #20262 Skip --descriptor tests if sqlite is not compiled (achow101)
- - #18788 Update more tests to work with descriptor wallets (achow101)
- - #20289 fuzz: Check for addrv1 compatibility before using addrv1 serializer/deserializer on CService (practicalswift)
- - #20290 fuzz: Fix DecodeHexTx fuzzing harness issue (practicalswift)
- - #20245 Run script_assets_test even if built --with-libs=no (MarcoFalke)
- - #20300 fuzz: Add missing ECC_Start to descriptor_parse test (S3RK)
- - #20283 Only try witness deser when checking for witness deser failure (MarcoFalke)
- - #20303 fuzz: Assert expected DecodeHexTx behaviour when using legacy decoding (practicalswift)
- - #20316 Fix wallet_multiwallet test issue on Windows (MarcoFalke)
- - #20326 Fix ecdsa_verify in test framework (stepansnigirev)
- - #20328 cirrus: Skip tasks on the gui repo main branch (MarcoFalke)
- - #20355 fuzz: Check for addrv1 compatibility before using addrv1 serializer/deserializer on CSubNet (practicalswift)
- - #20332 Mock IBD in net_processing fuzzers (MarcoFalke)
- - #20218 Suppress epoll_ctl data race (MarcoFalke)
- - #20375 fuzz: Improve coverage for CPartialMerkleTree fuzzing harness (practicalswift)
- - #19669 contrib: Fixup valgrind suppressions file (MarcoFalke)
- - #18879 valgrind: remove outdated suppressions (fanquake)
- - #19226 Add BerkeleyDatabase tsan suppression (MarcoFalke)
- - #20379 Remove no longer needed UBSan suppression (float divide-by-zero in validation.cpp) (practicalswift)
- - #18190, #18736, #18744, #18775, #18783, #18867, #18994, #19065, #19067, #19143, #19222, #19247, #19286, #19296, #19379, #19934, #20188, #20395 Add fuzzing harnessses (practicalswift)
- - #18638 Use mockable time for ping/pong, add tests (MarcoFalke)
- - #19951 CNetAddr scoped ipv6 test coverage, rename scopeId to m_scope_id (jonatack)
- - #20027 Use mockable time everywhere in net_processing (sipa)
- - #19105 Add Muhash3072 implementation in Python (fjahr)
- - #18704, #18752, #18753, #18765, #18839, #18866, #18873, #19022, #19023, #19429, #19552, #19778, #20176, #20179, #20214, #20292, #20299, #20322 Fix intermittent test issues (MarcoFalke)
- - #20390 CI/Cirrus: Skip merge_base step for non-PRs (luke-jr)
- - #18634 ci: Add fuzzbuzz integration configuration file (practicalswift)
- - #18591 Add C++17 build to Travis (sipa)
- - #18581, #18667, #18798, #19495, #19519, #19538 CI improvements (hebasto)
- - #18683, #18705, #18735, #18778, #18799, #18829, #18912, #18929, #19008, #19041, #19164, #19201, #19267, #19276, #19321, #19371, #19427, #19730, #19746, #19881, #20294, #20339, #20368 CI improvements (MarcoFalke)
- - #20489, #20506 MSVC CI improvements (sipsorcery)

### Miscellaneous
- - #18713 scripts: Add macho stack canary check to security-check.py (fanquake)
- - #18629 scripts: Add pe .reloc section check to security-check.py (fanquake)
- - #18437 util: Detect posix_fallocate() instead of assuming (vasild)
- - #18413 script: Prevent ub when computing abs value for num opcode serialize (pierreN)
- - #18443 lockedpool: avoid sensitive data in core files (FreeBSD) (vasild)
- - #18885 contrib: Move optimize-pngs.py script to the maintainer repo (MarcoFalke)
- - #18317 Serialization improvements step 6 (all except wallet/gui) (sipa)
- - #16127 More thread safety annotation coverage (ajtowns)
- - #19228 Update libsecp256k1 subtree (sipa)
- - #19277 util: Add assert identity function (MarcoFalke)
- - #19491 util: Make assert work with any value (MarcoFalke)
- - #19205 script: previous_release.sh rewritten in python (bliotti)
- - #15935 Add /settings.json persistent settings storage (ryanofsky)
- - #19439 script: Linter to check commit message formatting (Ghorbanian)
- - #19654 lint: Improve commit message linter in travis (fjahr)
- - #15382 util: Add runcommandparsejson (Sjors)
- - #19614 util: Use have_fdatasync to determine fdatasync() use (fanquake)
- - #19813 util, ci: Hard code previous release tarball checksums (hebasto)
- - #19841 Implement Keccak and SHA3_256 (sipa)
- - #19643 Add -netinfo peer connections dashboard (jonatack)
- - #15367 feature: Added ability for users to add a startup command (benthecarman)
- - #19984 log: Remove static log message "Initializing chainstate Chainstate [ibd] @ height -1 (null)" (practicalswift)
- - #20092 util: Do not use gargs global in argsmanager member functions (hebasto)
- - #20168 contrib: Fix gen_key_io_test_vectors.py imports (MarcoFalke)
- - #19624 Warn on unknown rw_settings (MarcoFalke)
- - #20257 Update secp256k1 subtree to latest master (sipa)
- - #20346 script: Modify security-check.py to use "==" instead of "is" for literal comparison (tylerchambers)
- - #18881 Prevent UB in DeleteLock() function (hebasto)
- - #19180, #19189, #19190, #19220, #19399 Replace RecursiveMutex with Mutex (hebasto)
- - #19347 Make cs_inventory nonrecursive (jnewbery)
- - #19773 Avoid recursive lock in IsTrusted (promag)
- - #18790 Improve thread naming (hebasto)
- - #20140 Restore compatibility with old CSubNet serialization (sipa)
- - #17775 DecodeHexTx: Try case where txn has inputs first (instagibbs)

### Documentation
- - #18502 Update docs for getbalance (default minconf should be 0) (uzyn)
- - #18632 Fix macos comments in release-notes (MarcoFalke)
- - #18645 Update thread information in developer docs (jnewbery)
- - #18709 Note why we can't use thread_local with glibc back compat (fanquake)
- - #18410 Improve commenting for coins.cpp|h (jnewbery)
- - #18157 fixing init.md documentation to not require rpcpassword (jkcd)
- - #18739 Document how to fuzz Bitcoin Core using Honggfuzz (practicalswift)
- - #18779 Better explain GNU ld's dislike of ld64's options (fanquake)
- - #18663 Mention build docs in README.md (saahilshangle)
- - #18810 Update rest info on block size and json (chrisabrams)
- - #18939 Add c++17-enable flag to fuzzing instructions (mzumsande)
- - #18957 Add a link from ZMQ doc to ZMQ example in contrib/ (meeDamian)
- - #19058 Drop protobuf stuff (hebasto)
- - #19061 Add link to Visual Studio build readme (maitrebitcoin)
- - #19072 Expand section on Getting Started (MarcoFalke)
- - #18968 noban precludes maxuploadtarget disconnects (MarcoFalke)
- - #19005 Add documentation for 'checklevel' argument in 'verifychain' RPC… (kcalvinalvin)
- - #19192 Extract net permissions doc (MarcoFalke)
- - #19071 Separate repository for the gui (MarcoFalke)
- - #19018 fixing description of the field sequence in walletcreatefundedpsbt RPC method (limpbrains)
- - #19367 Span pitfalls (sipa)
- - #19408 Windows WSL build recommendation to temporarily disable Win32 PE support (sipsorcery)
- - #19407 explain why passing -mlinker-version is required when cross-compiling (fanquake)
- - #19452 afl fuzzing comment about afl-gcc and afl-g++ (Crypt-iQ)
- - #19258 improve subtree check instructions (Sjors)
- - #19474 Use precise permission flags where possible (MarcoFalke)
- - #19494 CONTRIBUTING.md improvements (jonatack)
- - #19268 Add non-thread-safe note to FeeFilterRounder::round() (hebasto)
- - #19547 Update macOS cross compilation dependencies for Focal (hebasto)
- - #19617 Clang 8 or later is required with FORCE_USE_SYSTEM_CLANG (fanquake)
- - #19639 Remove Reference Links #19582 (RobertHosking)
- - #19605 Set CC_FOR_BUILD when building on OpenBSD (fanquake)
- - #19765 Fix getmempoolancestors RPC result doc (MarcoFalke)
- - #19786 Remove label from good first issue template (MarcoFalke)
- - #19646 Updated outdated help command for getblocktemplate (jakeleventhal)
- - #18817 Document differences in bitcoind and bitcoin-qt locale handling (practicalswift)
- - #19870 update PyZMQ install instructions, fix zmq_sub.py file permissions (jonatack)
- - #19903 Update build-openbsd.md with GUI support (grubles)
- - #19241 help: Generate checkpoint height from chainparams (luke-jr)
- - #18949 Add CODEOWNERS file to automatically nominate PR reviewers (adamjonas)
- - #20014 Mention signet in -help output (hebasto)
- - #20015 Added default signet config for linearize script (gr0kchain)
- - #19958 Better document features of feelers (naumenkogs)
- - #19871 Clarify scope of eviction protection of outbound block-relay peers (ariard)
- - #20076 Update and improve files.md (hebasto)
- - #20107 Collect release-notes snippets (MarcoFalke)
- - #20109 Release notes and followups from 19339 (glozow)
- - #20090 Tiny followups to new getpeerinfo connection type field (amitiuttarwar)
- - #20152 Update wallet files in files.md (hebasto)
- - #19124 Document ALLOW_HOST_PACKAGES dependency option (skmcontrib)
- - #20271 Document that wallet salvage is experimental (MarcoFalke)
- - #20281 Correct getblockstats documentation for (sw)total_weight (shesek)
- - #20279 release process updates/fixups (jonatack)
- - #20238 Missing comments for signet parameters (decryp2kanon)
- - #20756 Add missing field (permissions) to the getpeerinfo help (amitiuttarwar)
- - #20668 warn that incoming conns are unlikely when not using default ports (adamjonas)
- - #19961 tor.md updates (jonatack)
- - #19050 Add warning for rest interface limitation (fjahr)
- - #19390 doc/REST-interface: Remove stale info (luke-jr)
- - #19344 docs: update testgen usage example (Bushstar)