👉 Bitcoin Core 0.21.1 released

  • Included in this release are the mainnet and testnet activation parameters for the taproot soft fork (BIP341) which also adds support for schnorr signatures (BIP340) and tapscript (BIP342).
0.21.1 change log

### Consensus
- - #21377 Speedy trial support for versionbits (ajtowns)
- - #21686 Speedy trial activation parameters for Taproot (achow101)

### P2P protocol and network code
- - #20852 allow CSubNet of non-IP networks (vasild)
- - #21043 Avoid UBSan warning in ProcessMessage(…) (practicalswift)

### Wallet
- - #21166 Introduce DeferredSignatureChecker and have SignatureExtractorClass subclass it (achow101)
- - #21083 Avoid requesting fee rates multiple times during coin selection (achow101)

### RPC and other APIs
- - #21201 Disallow sendtoaddress and sendmany when private keys disabled (achow101)

### Build system
- - #21486 link against -lsocket if required for *ifaddrs (fanquake)
- - #20983 Fix MSVC build after gui#176 (hebasto)

### Tests and QA
- - #21380 Add fuzzing harness for versionbits (ajtowns)
- - #20812 fuzz: Bump FuzzedDataProvider.h (MarcoFalke)
- - #20740 fuzz: Update FuzzedDataProvider.h from upstream (LLVM) (practicalswift)
- - #21446 Update vcpkg checkout commit (sipsorcery)
- - #21397 fuzz: Bump FuzzedDataProvider.h (MarcoFalke)
- - #21081 Fix the unreachable code at feature_taproot (brunoerg)
- - #20562 Test that a fully signed tx given to signrawtx is unchanged (achow101)
- - #21571 Make sure non-IP peers get discouraged and disconnected (vasild, MarcoFalke)
- - #21489 fuzz: cleanups for versionbits fuzzer (ajtowns)

### Miscellaneous
- - #20861 BIP 350: Implement Bech32m and use it for v1+ segwit addresses (sipa)

### Documentation
- - #21384 add signet to bitcoin.conf documentation (jonatack)
- - #21342 Remove outdated comment (hebasto)